
Showing posts from September, 2021

Undergraduate Degree Courses

This unit enables independent , action-based learning; working in a team to develop a new fashion business proposition. Projects facilitate the development of key professional skills, employability and entrepreneurial attributes. This unit enables students to further develop their critical skills and research interests, contextualising and analyzing key issues and shifts in the domain of Fashion. This unit builds on and extends the knowledge and skills developed in Fashion Cultures 1. Sustainable Engineering: Chemical Processing Msc With London only a short journey away, you can take the opportunity to visit some of the world’s best shop fronts, galleries and museums for inspiration. Our BA Fashion Promotion and Communication is aimed at ambitious, creative individuals who are keen to develop a career in fashion styling, image-making and digital media. Excited by the prospect of a career in the sport and exercise sector? This new Level 3 course combines scientific knowledge with pr